We just got back from the Great Western Alpaca Show (GWAS) with some great results.

SNDR’s Eagles Juliet our white juvenile female Huacaya took a first in her class (class size 15), but didn’t get color champion. She is a MFG Eagle and Justinian’s Jolie Madame daughter. Eagle’s sire is 6Peruvian Accoyo Godfather and the dam is PCA Accoyo Annapurna. Jolie is a MFG Justinian and PPeruvian Marilyn daughter with PPuervian Caligula, PPeruvian Vengador, and PPPeruvian Coropuna in her background.

LEE took a third in his class of white juvenile males. This was a good showing for the size of the class (14). “LEE” stands for 4Peruvian Legacy (L) his sire, Crescent Moons Elation (E) his dam, and 6Peruvian Accoyo Elite, Elations Sire (E), not bad for a little boy. Elation was breed to 4PLegacy a few months before his passing. This boy has ultra fine fiber.

Our latest boy to join Sundancer Alpacas is Xanadu P Mistral from Xanadu Farm Alpacas. He is a light fawn male still in his teens. This boy won his class of “Light Fawn Yearling Male Huacayas” (class size 11) and went on to win the color championship. A few weeks before he took a first place at the Futurity. A few weeks before the Futurity he took second in his class to his half brother at MOPACA and then won reserve color champion. This boy is ultra dense and ultra fine (About 15 microns, his histogram is vertical with low dispersal).